ICEBERG SYSTEMS LIMITED is located in the beautiful city of Owerri in Imo State, Nigeria. It was established in December 2012, with registration number RC1085716 and numerous professionals, employees and workers. Iceberg Systems Limited has Nigerian-based first-class engineers, architects, technicians and other professionals who are specialized in Safety & Security, Mechanical & Plumbing, Electrical & installation, Architectural & Building, and so on.

We have sophisticated machines and tools for perfect and site works such as Thermal Fusion Machines, pressure testing machines, cutting machines, drilling machines and many others. ICEBERG SYSTEMS LIMITED provide perfect project solution to customers for long time. PROJECT STRENGTH We have experienced and skilled workers, Iceberg Systems Limited train her staff periodically or aperiodically in order to enhance their working skills and working spirit.

SECTORS OF OPERATION: Our objective is to ensure a smooth supply, installation and maintenance of high quality Safety and Security, Mechanical and Plumbing, Electrical and Installation, Architectural and Building to all our customers. The objective ensures that equipment supply and installation conforms to acceptable standard and specifications in the engineering industry.

SECTORS SERVICED: • Oil & Gas • Telecommunications • Financial Institutions • Manufacturers • Mechanical/Electrical Companies • Engineering Consultants • Construction Companies • General Public • Schools • Churches • Government • and many others


At Iceberg Systems Limited, we are committed to creating a work environment that values, respects, trust, competence, team spirit, transparent and cordial relationship among employees. We also aim at professional development of our staff so as to generate long lasting value for our customers. Our work qualities are exceptional and we believe strongly in performing each job as if it is our own home. Our objective is that you are completely satisfied with the quality of our work and services, so that in the future we can add you to our list of references.


Our business philosophy is simple and straight forward, we will be on time, do the job right, gladly verify any problems or issues to our customers’ satisfaction and perform our work with the highest standard quality.


OUR VISION: We want to be among the leading partners in the provision of Safety & Security, Mechanical & Plumbing, Electrical & Installation, Architectural & Building solutions

OUR MISSION: We want to be the foremost Safety & Security, Mechanical & Plumbing, Electrical & Installation, Architectural & Building provider while delivering premium and valuable quality professional services to our customers throughout the engineering sector.

Why Choose Iceberg Systems Limited?

Mechnical & Plumbing

If you have problems with Industrial or Domestic Plumbing in Nigeria then get in touch. Whether you are a commercial or industrial business or a domestic customer, we can provide affordable solutions throughout the Country!
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